Danny Kayes Farewell Luncheon (1949)
Unused, unissued footage dates and locations may be unclear or unknown. Cuts from newsreel 49, 46 Danny Kaye farewell at Picturegoers luncheon given by Odhams Press at Savoy Hotel, London. General views of gathering at luncheon to bid farewell to comedian, comic actor Danny Kaye before he returns to the United States after successful engagement at the London Palladium. Mute footage shows Mrs Lewis Douglas, wife of American Ambassador, and others listening to Lewis Douglas introductory speech. Shots of Danny Kaye listening, getting up to make his speech. C, U of comedian Sid Field listening; pan to actor, writer Emlyn Williams listening. General views of people applauding. Sound section starts with people applauding and toastmaster introducing Lewis Douglas (wearing sunglasses), who makes speech introducing Danny Kaye, saying There s a universal quality about his talents. They appeal to men and women Toastmaster introduces Kaye. Danny Kaye stands up and we see several cu