Rammstein Vergiss Uns Nicht : Ein Unmögliches Konzert ( Short Version)
Welcome to Rammstein Live, by TheKeyboardfucker. Today s video : A real fake concert Vergiss Uns Nicht is a conceptaudio concert that features a setlist that we ll probably never get to see live. You ll hear classics, old tracks and never played songs here. Credit goes to : Rammstein, Phaeton, Mattjina Tom Smit, PryanegCovers, Raymanlegend, RRCC, Atomiiik, Rasputin93, Adios234, Ein Kleiner Mensch and SternInDerNacht. Thank you guys for making this little project possible DOWNLOAD (including Sex and Weit Weg live) : Flac : MP3 : , rammstein, live, vergissunsnicht