Ars Onirica, II: Lost ( Album Teaser), Doom Black Metal
Album teaser for II: Lost the second album of Italian dark doom metal outfit Ars Onirica, out on September 23rd 2022 on CD, Digital via Ardua Music. ARS ONIRICA was born in 2003 as a full band but after a splitup it came back to life as a one man band thanks to Alessandro Sforza (Invernoir, Veil of Conspiracy). The first album I: Cold was released via Solitude Productions, BadMoodMan Music in 2019 and introduced a blend between the modern doom and the 90 s one. This second opus II: Lost takes the sound of the previous album to a higher level, with more intensive melodies and slowered tempos. Alessandro would say I m really proud to release II: Lost through ARDUA MUSIC. I immediately felt comfortable in this partnership, surrounded by enthusiasm and professionality, I think that our collaboration could bring both of us one step forward in modern doom metal Recorded, mixed and mastered at Blue Ocean recording studio