Slí na m Beaglaoich Colm Siobha n ODonnell, Brian OLynn, TG4
Here is Colm O Donnell his daughter Siobhán O Donnell singing Brian O Lynn (0:00) on the TG4 series, Slí na mBeaglaíoch. Colm Siobhán appear on the Sligo episode of the series, where they hail from. Seo hiad Colm O Donnell agus a iníon, Siobhán, ag canadh amhrán ar chlár de shraith TG4, Slí na mBeaglaioch. Lyrics: Oh Brian O Lynn was a gentleman born, His hair it was long and his beard was unshorn His teeth were far out and his eyes were far in Tis my natural beauty, says Brian O Lynn Brian O Lynn had no breeches to wear He got him a sheepskin to make him a pair, With the fleshy side out and the woolly side in, They ll be cool in the summer says Brian O Lynn. Brian O Lynn went courting one night He sent both the daughter and mother to fight Stop now he explained he had but the tin Sure I ll marry ye both qu br, br,