Stunning Wellness Fitness 163 cm Nordic Cup 2023 Prejudging
A Stunning Wellness Fitness Class with a bunch of great ahletes at Nordic Cup 2023. The short, up to 163 cm was the biggest class with 11 Competitors so we split this class into two videos. The Prejudging with all 11 athletes and the finals with the top 6 Finalists. In this video with the prejudging the athletes are: 199 Elin Liewendahl Finland 197 Evelina Lind Sweden 204 Miia Wännström Sweden 211 Emmi Parviainen Finland 196 Helen Rohtla Estonia 209 Sini Tuomi Finland 200 Somporn Booranmoon Sweden 201 Marianne Korvo Finland 205 Tatiana Togluk Finland 198 Anni Kemppinen Finland 202 Joanna Kinnunen Finland This video is Brought to you by the Best Tan in the Business. The competition colors for champions since 1982. Jan Tana The Winning Tan you can see more or get yours at Follow us in Social media We also would love to mention the 2024