In this final video of the series, I discuss my UV unwrap for the RETRO TELEPHONE and get right into texturing in Substance Painter. The texturing is very straightforward and mostly uses smart materials that I tweak just a little. However, there are a couple of additional bits that might be useful to you such as adding a procedural material to create a dot pattern as well as having multiple layers affected by a dirt generator that references one anchor point. I do not export the textures and set them up in Blender as I have done that a number of times before. But I will go back to Blender to create some renders and eventually post one or more renders in the renders channel on the zerobio discord as my submission to the RETRO BLENDER CHALLENGE. Thanks very much for watching this series and if you have any questions about the modeling in Blender or the texturing in Substance Painter, feel free to ask. ZEROBIO DISCORD Watch all my vide