How To Dynamically Work With Mixed Fixed Column Width In Power BI
In this video, Melissa is joined by Mudassir and Jarrett as we experiment on a new tutorial format for a more collaborative experience. The Enterprise DNA experts will demonstrate how they resolve and dynamically work with a mixed column width file. Video Details 00:00 Introduction 00:35 The problem 03:43 Checking a fixed length file 06:12 What index to use 06:50 Header position 08:45 Transforming dat to a list 08:54 Loading into memory 10:37 Determining where the header starts 18:48 Fill down 20:26 Splitting columns 26:04 Trimming text strings 27:55 Removing excess values 29:39 Self merge tables Learning Power BI FREE COURSE Ultimate Beginners Guide To Power BI FREE COURSE Ultimate Beginners Guide To DAX FREE Power BI Resources FREE 60 Page DAX Reference Guide Download enterprise