2012 05 26 DJ Smurf Nosebleed Rosyth, Scotland
Please hit the like subscribe buttons to keep this channel alive. It s much appreciated. Download: Tracklist: DJ Smurf feat Tom Wilson The Greatest Entertainers On Earth (GGM Raw) Buzz Fuzz (Ooh Baby) (Tripax) Omar Santana Kick Some Shit (H2OH) Shittest Gabba Rotter. .. what (Komum) Narcotic Nightmare Jacksons Party (Bull) Rob Gee Repete Riot in NY (Master Maximum) Nasenbluten Blows T The Nose (Industrial Strength) Shadowlands Terrorists Shadowlands Anthem (Shadowlands) Charley Lownoise Mental Theo The Bird (Master Maximum) Beagle Untitled (GNR) Minatory Mince Lollypop (Brrr) Japcore Sampler B1 (Bass 2) Geoff Da Cheff Noise (Blown) Napalm 5 B4 (Napalm) EDe Cologne They ll Never Get Me (Shockwave) Hardcore Fiends Comply (CenCor) Bold Bob Dive Into Steel (Kotzaak) Leatherkneckers At War (Kotzaak) DJ Smurf Shitter (GGM Raw) DJ Smurf Gusset Typist (GGM Raw) DJ Smurf Fuck Me Geordie (Strike)