Wonderful Planted Aquarium with DISCUS FISH
Aquatic plants for this build were provided by Tropica Browse these plants and many more on our website: AQUARIUM SPECS AQUARIUM 150 x 60 x 50 cm (59 x 23. 6 x 19. 7 in), 450 liter (119 gallon) Green Aqua Rimless OptiWhite glass tank (15 mm 0. 59 in glass thickness) AQUARIUM FILTRATION 2x Eheim Professionel 3 2080 external filter CO2 Pressurized CO2 system with External CO2 Reactor LIGHTING 2x ADA Solar RGB SUBSTRATE ADA Power Sand Advance ADA Amazonia Ver. 2 ADA La Plata Sand AQUARIUM DECORATION 25kg Iron Wood OTHER ACCESSORIES Green Aqua liquid superglue Green Aqua gel type superglue AQUATIC PLANTS 5x Nymphaea lotus 5x Aponogeton longiplu