VICTORIAN ERA AFTERNOON TEA AMBIENCE: Cozy Tea in the Garden With Relaxing Nature Sounds
Welcome to this Victorian era afternoon tea ambience set in the garden surrounded by relaxing nature sounds Pull up a chair and pour yourself a cup of your favourite tea. I m so excited for this week s ambience because I created the artwork for this one myself using Blender (then touched it up in Photoshop). I m someone who loves going for afternoon tea with friends, so I thought this would be a delightful scene to create And though it was set in the regency era, I was inspired by the Bridgerton color palette for this scene. I really enjoyed the sets and brilliant hues used for that show and tried to capture some of that here. Some sounds you ll hear in this Victorian era afternoon tea ambience are: nature sounds, tea pouring, tea cups clinking, servants walking through the grass, fabric, gardening sounds, cutlery, pearls and more br, br,