VITAL THE MOVIE : Every Parameter Explained ( Plus Some Tips And Tricks)
Check Out These Amazing Vital Youtubers for advanced tutorials Platipo: DataBroth Baphometrix All of these guys have taught me a lot about this synth they have great info on their channels They go alot more in depth on some stuff i only had time to touch on :) Join this channel to get access to perks: 0:00 Intro 1:22 Resize 2:08 Overview 3:13 Browser 4:22 Save Menu 5:20 Metering 5:40 Macros 8:53 Pitch and Mod Wheel 9:53 Oscillators 10:34 Osc Pitch 12:27 Osc Routing 14:06 Filter Routing 15:07 Osc Display, Hidden Control 17:09 Unison 18:11 Osc Phase 18:46 Spectral, Wave Morph 22:36 Additional Osc Functions 26:09 Sampler 28:54 Filters 36:20 Envalopes 37:28 LFOS 51:42 Key Modulators 54:52 Random 58