PSX Longplay 015 Rapid Reload Gunners Heaven
Played By: ScHlAuChi Unfortunately the XA sound for this game didnt work with the emulator, so i replaced it with some music that can be found on Nectarine DemoScene Radio The titles are: Fabian Del Priore (Rapture) Welcome to 4sceners Teque 3DMark 2000 Soundtrack Radix Iluvia Tournesol Big Bear (Scoopex) Mermaid Trauma Child Genesis Molequel Man Genetic Gemini Memories Genetic Gemini Shades of Blue Payne If I Survive Payne Awakening (Ultra) Chromag Starchild Cyborgjeff No more virus in heaven Tammo kb Hinrichs fr030Candytron aMUSiC and Leviathan Memento Mori