ceramicist Masakane Kagami from Japan
Masakane Kagami, a ceramicist, has been making traditional Japanese pottery using the nearly extinct, Oribe and Seto styles of pottery. Around 400 years ago, a lapse of prosperity in the Azuchi Momoyama era; the new pottery styles; namely the Oribe style and the Kizeto style were created by a fluke in Gifu prefecture, and many of tea masters were impressed and were attracted to these styles of pottery as they seemed to tea brewing. However, both the styles require intense labor and a highly skilled ceramicist and people gradually stopped using these styles. Syuukai Kagami took over making Oribe and Kizeto pottery styles, following his fathers legacy, who had revived traditional Japanese craft after 400 years as a miracle pottery. At that time, Chinese pottery styles were primarily used, although the Kizeto style was the first known traditional Japanese pottery style to be recorded in history. The Kizeto style is mainly known for its beautiful yellow and bro