Find Peak Element, Binary Search Algorithm Data Structures
In this video, we are going to look at an interesting problem based on binary search Description: An element is called a peak element if its value is not smaller than the value of its adjacent elements(if they exists). Given an array arr of size N, Return the index of any one of its peak elements. Note: The generated output will always be 1 if the index that you return is correct. Otherwise output will be 0. Input: N 3 arr 1, 2, 3 Possible Answer: 2 Generated Output: 1 Explanation: index 2 is 3. It is the peak element as it is greater than its neighbour 2. If 2 is returned then the generated output will be 1 else 0. In this video, youll also learn about asymptotic notations, they are basically mathematical notations which represent order of growth of any mathematical funct. .., ProgrammingKnowledge, DataStructuresAndAlgorithms, DataStructures, algorithm, Algorithms, AlgorithmsTutorial, DataStructuresTutorial, StacksandQueues, BasicAlgebra, AdvancedAlgorithms 20221016 lvpCb81mIQ