Waffen SS and Fallschirmjager troops in action
(18 Dec 1944) 111 ADC 2949 WaffenSS and Fallschirmjager troops in action on 18th December 1944, the third day of Hitler s Ardennes offensive on 6. SS Panzer Armee s front on the northern shoulder of the Bulge: Shots laid on for the camera showing SSGrenadiers from Kampfgruppe Hansen (I, SSPanzerGrenadierRegiment1), wearing mottle camouflage uniforms, and thick winter greatcoats, advancing past burning and disabled M3 halftracks, M8 armoured cars, jeeps, M5 Stuart light tanks and 3inch antitank guns from Task Force Mayes (14th US Cavalry Group) on the road between Recht and Poteau near St Vith, sharing captured American cigarettes with men from 3. Fallschirmjager Division a Jagdpanzer IV selfpropelled gun armed with the long 7. 5cm L, 70 cannon is seen bypassing the wrecked US column and heading acrosscountry. 10:13:14 Shots showing two Panzer 38 (t) 15cm sIG 33 selfpropelled guns from bombarding US positions from a field outside Recht and two young radio o