The Adventures Of Pongo The Pup Pongo Cleans Up The Goat Family (1924)
Animation. Title reads: Pathe Presents its Fourth AllBritish Cartoon of The Adventures of Pongo the Pup Pongo cleans up the Goat Pongo walks along a road wearing a boxing glove he looks very determined. He stops and puts a telescope up to his eye. His eyeball moves around as seen through the telescope. He looks to his left then towards the audience then to the right. He jumps up with surprise upon seeing something. Point of view shot with the telescope framing of a building with the inscription: Home of Rest for The home is bouncing up and down and the roof is lifting off presumably a fight is going on inside. Pongo puts the telescope in his pocket and runs off down the road in the opposite direction. He arrives at a doorway with the sign: I. Sloggs. ExHeavyweight Champion above the door there is also a sign about boxing lessons. He sits down on the pavement tapping his foot and thinking until he suddenly notices the signs. He dives into a drain as Mr Slo