Michael Crusader( My treak on house And what s on treaks In forest )
Why Why Why in yours russia mother one and one fullhas hard bardak in forests, on treaks with forests, on lakes, on rivers, in tawns and in countreys, on street parks and on street skvers, on street whats with bas, troileybasstopfor in and for exit with taxi Why and administration in adres tolerant people open and open everyday one and one sweete liar for very danger pandemia and for very sweeteafferistliar distance in crisisafferistbanditskvision and for liar profilactik help big moneys on west, for one liarsweeteplan, whats your close eurodoors, in banditskin afferistliarsvision look on future big in banditskyours tolerant moneys For tolerant and for big deaths people in sweete big black black liar in yours russianblood For yours one afferistbig poganplan For person face pcevdobig king, with big wizdom bardak in person land You real killer earth And people yo