Garbage Milk ( Siren mix)
This is oftenly mislabeled as Tricky remix and was the most aired version of the song at the radios back in 1996. However, Garbage decided to release the original version on the greatest hits compilation Absolute Garbage. This video is a reworked version of the first one, that was a simple oneshot video. It was directed by Sam Bayer. The song was mostly composed by Shirley Manson. LYRICS I am milk I am red hot kitchen And I am cool Cool as the deep blue ocean I am lost So I am cruel But Id be love and sweetness If I had you Im waiting Im waiting for you Im waiting Im waiting for you I am weak But I am strong I can use my tears to Bring you home Im waiting Im waiting for you Im waiting Im waiting for you Im waiting Im waiting for you I am milk I am red hot kitchen And I am cool Cool as the deep blue ocean Im waiting Im waiting for you Im waiting Im waiting for you Im waiti br, br,