S U R F I N G : Deep Fantasy
Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is Surfing is S U R F I N G : Deep Fantasy 01. Dal Boca Vista (0:00) 02. Moonlight (1:02) 03. Your Touch (7:16) 04. Hit the Spot (12:22) 05. Sky High (16:12) 06. Senegal (19:32) 07. End of the Night (22:22) 08. Lifetime (25:06) 09. Dubai (28:30) 10. Killed a Man (30:22) thanks to FangTheShark for track times released in April 2012 100 ELECTRONICA: Bandcamp: Facebook: RateYourMusic: SoundCloud: Vapor Memory: 007 (reuploaded)