Why Developers Dont Get Girls, Clever Programmer Podcast Ep. 1
So Im 25. Heres my birthday gift to me . . My family, girlfriend, friends, and team asked me what I wanted on my birthday I responded I want to produce an insane amount of work and I want your support to allow me to do it . . I wanted a day of insane amount of execution and a start of something beautiful The Clever Programmer Podcast . .. This is something Ive wanted to produce for a long time and I thought what better day than today July 14th, my birthday, to Work hard And produce insane amount of content. .. Ive been working nonstop since 10 am with my entire team and weve been working on creating the best show for developers in the world. .. That is both genuinely entertaining and educational At least we hope its educational . .. Just. .., CleverProgrammer, cleverprogrammer, programming, python, coding, programmer, programmers, howto, freelancing, Cleverprogrammer 20190715 x1PoaaFhoVk