Toddler Slides And Disappears In Huge Leaf Pile
ID: 3464792 ON SCREEN CREDIT notcarl4444 An attempt to recreate a viral leaf pile video, goes horribly wrong when recreated with a slide. Carley Anderson, 25, took her 18monthold son Jay out to their garden, so he could try having a go at sliding down his play structure slide onto a trampoline covered in leaves. Jay was initially hesitant before taking the leap and beginning the slow descent. However, the slide finished with him being completely swallowed by the leaf pile. Please contact for media, licensing, broadcast usage SUBMIT A VIDEO: Connect with Caters: Twitter: Facebook: Website: Instagram: Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the worl