Remedy Scream In Silence ( Lyric video)
SRock Music Production presents: REMEDY Scream in Silence Music: Roland Forsman, Sven Wannäs, Sören Kronqvist Lyrics: Roland Forsman Buy on Apple music: Listen on Spotify: (from the upcoming debut album Something that your eyes won t see out December 16th, 2022). REMEDY (Playing on the song) Guitar: Roland Forsman Lead vocals: Robert van der Zwan Keyboards: Jonas Öijvall Bass: Andreas Passmark Drums: Georg HärnstenEgg Backing vocals: Lars Säfsund, Robert van der Zwan, Roland Forsman Additional keyboards: Sören Kronqvist, Sven Wannäs, Roland Forsman Song produced by Roland Forsman, Sören Kronqvist, Sven Wannäs Mixed and mastered by Erik Mårtensson for Mass Destruction Production Lyrics video by Sören Kronqvi