DIMASH Aliya The song about Great Patriotic War sniper Песня Алия o героe Советского Союзa
The song Aliya is dedicated to the hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova, a Great Patriotic War sniper who died defending Soviet Motherland at age 18 in winter 1944. The streets in Moscow, Almaty, Astana, Uralsk and in many parts of the former USSR are named after Aliya Moldagulova. But there is another living monument to Alia the song. With a sinking heart everyone listens to her, from small to large, she has been sounding through times and epochs for four decades now. The first song Aliya was performed by Tlektes Nurmagambetov with the ensemble Gulder. The composition had a different arrangement, and even a different tonality. Words of Bakir Tazhibayev. The melody for the song Aliya was composed by composer Seydulla Baiterekov. The authors of the words and music, as well as the main performer of the song Roza Rymbaeva, received the title of laureates of the TV festival Song77. Also in 1977, at the Golden Orpheus festival in Bulgaria, Roza Rymbaeva won the Grand Prix of the competition with