Polyphia Playing God (piano arrangement by Cocoshii)
Hi, sorry for the long wait since my last upload Rather than uploading a composition, I decided to make a piano arrangement of a new song by Polyphia that s slapped harder than a blue shell Playing God. First of all, I m aware that I ve changed quite a few of the notes. Since the song is still new and is rather difficult to play, I had to rely more on improvisation and playing certain parts by ear, especially because there isn t really free sheet music for this song online yet. I also know there s already a piano cover of this song out there (it s really good, it s by TG piano, do check it out) but I really wanted to give it a try nonetheless :) I ve made several piano covers before but I ll admit this one was probably one of the harder ones to put together. It particularly took me 6 hours and 40 minutes, but I kind of like how it came out. Hopefully you don t mind that it s different from the original and can still enjoy listening T