French Election Campaign Round Up (1965)
Paris, France. Documentation on file. VS. Good shots of all the candidates posters around France and some which have been torn down or one party has stuck their poster over another party s boards. GV. Exterior the front of the Elysees Palace. MS. Caravan with posters for Mr. TixierVignancourt stuck on side. VS. Man stripped to waist knocking in a large tent peg. VS. The tent starting to be put up. MS. Mr. TixierVignancourt leaving a caravan. VS Inside the tent a crowd listening to him VS. Mr. Antoine Pinay a former Prime Minister and now Mayor of Saint Chamond, walk about talking to people in his town. VS. Pierre Marcilhacy talking to crowded room VS. Left is Mr. Francois Mitterand speaking S. O. F. to crowd. GV. Of Elysee Palace and slow zoom into front of window. CU. Tricolour and zoom out to G. V. Of Elysee Palace. VS. Mr. Jean Lecanuet walks towards helicopter and before getting in speaks into camera. VS. Mr. Pinay entering his home. (Comb. F. G. ) FILM A VIDEO