TSSHOCK: Breaking MPC Wallets and Digital Custodians for BILLION Profit
Would you like to hear how an attacker can steal BILLIONS of dollars worth of cryptocurrency from MPC digital custodian vaults and wallets by exploiting our new 0day attacks At the core of modern MultiParty Computation (MPC) wallets and digital asset custody solutions of major blockchains is a cryptographic protocol named Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS). Today, many institutions, including banks, exchanges, and wallets, rely on TSS to enable a group of parties to authorize transactions by generating signatures without having to reveal their individual secret keys. Consequently, the security of TSS is of utmost importance to many digital asset financial By: Duy Hieu Nguyen, Anh Khoa Nguyen, Huu Giap Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen, Anh Quynh Nguyen