CGI Animated Short Film: The Man Who Lost His Smile by Blame Your Brother, CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: The Man Who Lost His Smile Animated Short Film by Blame Your Brother. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery A short film that we created for Colgate US about spreading love and kindness. CREDITS: Directed by: BYB Blame Your Brother Storyboard: Chad Hicks Editor: Tom Berger Creative, Art Direction: BYB Layout Design: Rob Bryson Production Design: Aaron Hong Background Painters: Aaron Hong, Parker Bryant, Eric Gauthier, Grace Yoo, Michele Assarasakorn, Martin Smith, Tracy Munch, Sujin Kim Geoff Donovan Character Dev: Sylvan Deboissey Character Design: Amanda Martin, Darren Donovan Rough Posing Amanda Martin, Ruggiero Abbruzzese, Haley Rose, Darren Donovan. Posing Cleanup: Darren Donovan Animation Director: Darren Donovan Rough Animation Gerry Duchemin, Katherine Pryor, Sarah Baril, Alejandro Reyes, Nicole Kozak, Sean Branigan, Darren Donovan. Cleanup Animation Nicole Koz