Honda Ruckus Scooter Touring in the Utah Desert; Sun Tunnels, Devils Playground, Ghost Towns
170 miles of fall desert touring in Utah on a 50cc Honda Ruckus scooter. Started in Kelton, UT and headed towards the Nevada border. Visited the mud flats, the Sun Tunnels, camped at Devil s Playground, and returned on the old transcontinental railroad grade. The Honda Ruckus did pretty well offroad for a scooter. Fully loaded with 60 pounds of gear it could still come close to it s top speed of 3540 mph on the flats, with acceleration suffering just a bit. Managed even steep climbs without much trouble , clubzoomer, honda, ruckus, zoomer, custom, lowruckus, lowzoomer, long, low, minimoto, gy6, nps50, af58, ruckusstyle, rucksters, rucklyfe, slammed, stance, stretched, style, ssbc, ssbcthumbsup, planetruckus, loweredlifestyle