West Point Academy Parade (1971)
West Point Military Academy, United States of America (USA). Various shots of a still photograph of Pentagon building in Washington D. C. US Army HQ. Various shots of the West Point cadets in parade uniforms lined up on grounds of the Academy at start of the parade. Pan along long lines of the cadets. Various shots of the American flag being hoisted at start of the parade, civilians, friends and families of the cadets, in background. More shots of the cadets and officers lined up at start of the parade. Various shots of the civilian crowd looking on, some close up shots of the people. Line of cadets parading shortly before they line up. Office shakes hands with each cadet and gives them something this is probably the graduation ceremony. Various shots of the mass line up of cadets on grounds outside grand building. Brass band starts parading, the troops follow. Various shots of the parade. Several shots of the flag on tall flagpole. Various long panning shots of the grounds showing civilians watching th