Brian May Anita Dobson talk to Kevin Hughes i Heart Radio 5 Sept 2013 Made In Heaven 2
Queens Brian May interview with Kevin Hughes of iHeart 5 Sept 2013 at the Freddie For A Day Party at One Mayfair. FULL TRANSCRIPT at: Spoke about the charity event and marking the occasion of Freddie s Birthday Also drawn on current Queen studio work Michael Jackson songs there may be 3 released but needs permission of both the Jackson estate and Freddie s estate plus other tracks of material that has come to light, which could make a kind of Made In Heaven 2 but under a different name. Intriguingly something of Brian s that he s been working on in the studio that he thought everyone will have forgotten about. . Kevin Hughes also spoke with Anita Dobson, looking lovely, at the event, and asked how things were going on the Badger campaign.