F, Tutorial
Get the Code Here : Best F, Book : Support my videos on Patreon : In this video I will cover the core syntax of the F, language in one video. This is basically a 300 page book on F, in one video. Here are time stamps to all the main parts, but much more is covered then I list here. 00:29 Input, Output 09:10 Binding, Mutable 11:10 Functions 22:09 Math 25:21 Strings 33:54 Looping 34:07 While 35:47 For 36:53 Iterating 38:35 Conditionals 38:50 IF ELIF ELSE 42:32 Match 44:38 Lists 55:27 Enums 57:15 Options 59:40 Tuples 1:01:49 Records 1:03:31 Sequences 1:08:30 Maps 1:12:52 Generics 1:14:03 Exception Handling 1:16:45 Structs 1:19:10 Classes Thank you to Patreon supporters like the following for helping me make this video jaryd remillard : instagram: distantadmiration kylea