Drawing Manual Indirect Lighting and Model Tone
Glenn Vilppu Drawing Manual Indirect Lighting and Model Tone The first half of this manual has been primarily concerned with creating form using line, emphasizing the need to visualize the whole form and to draw across the surface of the form to show its volume. In learning to see spheres, boxes, and cylinders, we focused on seeing the corners of forms and used these basic visual tools to help us see the orientation of the forms in space and to draw them. In reality, we see things primarily in tone, not line. In this chapter, and the next two, we will discuss three distinct methods of using tone. The three approaches, which are indirect lighting, direct lighting, and atmospheric perspective are distinct but generally used in various degrees together. Glenn breaks this down into a series of steps that are easy to understand and apply. Covers the concept of modeling tone. Vilppu Academy The internationally renowned drawing courses , GlennVilppu, Drawing, Demonstration