BOXING FIGHTS OFFICIAL DICK TIGER LEGENDARY HIGHLIGHT REEL Dick Tigerwas aNigerianbornprofessional boxerwho held the World Middleweight and World Light Heavyweight Championships. Tiger was inducted into theInternational Boxing Hall of Famein 1991. The Ringmagazinenamed himFighter of the Yearin 1962 and 1965, while theBoxing Writers Association of America(BWAA) named himFighter of the Yearin 1962 and 1966. In 2002, Tiger was voted byThe Ringmagazine as the 31st greatest fighter of the last 80 years. Thank you for watching SUBSCRIBE for more boxing fights. boxing highlights and boxing news. Click the notification bell for more boxing updates Comment down below any suggestions, criticisms and recommendations. , DickTiger, Legend, boxinghighlights All the images and video clips are property of the owners. No copyright infringement is intended. This video is edited under the fair use law ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS