Dual Wield Weapons in Hearthstone , Hearth Tech, 270
00:00 Intro Dual Wield Weapons in Hearthstone 00:13 Test1 Obliterate is not affected by Spell Damage 00:39 Test2 Countess Ashmore can t draw Blood Boil 01:15 Test3 Icy Touch can be played without a target 01:41 Test4 Mechs resurrected by Kangor s Endless Army may remain shieldlost 02:42 Test5 When Jerry Rig Carpenter splits Warden s Insight, two choices are 3cost 03:01 Test6 Devourer of Souls can gain 8 Deathrattles from a minion at most 03:36 Test7 What will happen if we discard a card upon playing it 05:15 Outro BGM:Sokka Twitter: , Hearthstone