Prof David Shulman Sanskrit in the South 24 Feb 2021 Lecture 6 NIAS
About the Speaker: DAVID DEAN SHULMAN, Professor, Department of Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is an Israeli Indologist, poet and peace activist, known for his work on the history of religion in South India Abstract: Sanskrit in the South: Vernacular in Sanskrit, Sanskrit in Vernacular, and the Strange and Beautiful Case of Maṇipravāḷam I will want to speak about some southern Sanskrit works such as Śākalyamalla s, where the colloquial Telugu substratum is very clear; and about the Telugu Naiṣadhamu and the Tamil Naiṭatam in relation to the Skt Naiṣadhīya, and what happens when Sanskrit turns into Telugu or another language; and about the MaṇipravāḷamMalayalam case, which is particularly interesting and unusual. And more generally, I ll talk about the symbiosis of Sanskrit and regional languages in the south, including Tamil (where this relation is almost always distorted in the modern disc