Making a kitchen knife for my daughters graduation
KNIFE NOT FOR SALE This knife was made for my daughter as a graduation gift. Heat treating was done outside of my shop. INSTAGRAM STEEL New Jersey Steel Baron 5, 32 inch (4 mm) thick Stainless Steel SV90 TOOLS Bessey Vise Milwaulee Drill Harbor Freight Grinder American Vermont Drill bits Milwaukee Band Saw Ultra S, P metal cutting lubricant 2x48 Belt Grinder Nicholson files Bronze Center punch Shop Fox W1668 HP 13Inch BenchTop Drill Press, Spindle Sander Grizzly G9618 Dial HeightGauge, 6Inch Pitssburgh 15 inch long reach locking pliers Personalizer Plus Logo etching machine knifemaking. com T and Tely stencilsTUS Technologies. com Dykem blue layout fluid (spray can) MATERIALS White Rezin Zebra Carbon Handles by Carbon Waves Corby bolts Decorative pin West Systems G, flex Glue Sand Windex