Ищу друга на конец света , Seeking a Friend for the End of the World 2012 Movie Review
К Земле приближается огромный астероид. В такой момент большинство мужчин пустилось бы во все тяжкие. Но только не Додж. Он отправляется на поиски школьной подружки в компании сексуальной соседки Пенни. Is this independent comedy stocked with huge name comedians able to make the end of the world funny The writer of Nick and Nora s Infinite Playlist makes her directing debut with one of the most daring comedic premises imaginable: The End of the World. Can Steve Carell, Keira Knightley, and a host of awesome comedic cameos turn this somber subject into comic gold You might be surprised by what Dan, Jeff, and Alex think of this unique summer film.