Bugs Bunny 128 Sahara Hare
Sahara Hare is a 1955 Looney Tunes theatrical cartoon short created in 1954 and directed by Friz Freleng. The short was created in response to producer Eddie Selzer, due to his remark that camels are not funny. This is another classic battle between Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam (Riff Raff Sam). Bugs pops up out from underground, thinking he has reached Miami Beach, when in reality he is in the Sahara Desert, presumably from not making that left toin at Albukoike. He comes prepared with a beach chair, sunscreen, sunglasses and even a bucket of carrots and ice. Bugs runs across the desert for some time, eventually becoming dehydrated. He thinks he has found a nice park when he stumbles upon a water hole and a palm tree. (Much of this scene reuses animation from Frigid Hare. )