A male cat had attacked female kittens brutally. An aunt who witnessed the incident shared a video of the event with us. A male cat was observed attacking and brutally injuring several female kittens at a location near the place where we were doing street feeding. Fortunately, a man was able to intervene and save the kittens from further harm. Upon learning of the poor kittens, we decided to stop street feeding and try to locate them. When we arrived at the scene, we found two adorable, newborn kittens with closed eyes. In the video, you can see us attempting to locate the mother of the kittens. A male cat approached the kittens, but we were able to chase it away to prevent any further harm. Additionally, a female cat approached the kittens, and at first, we thought she might be their mother. However, upon further observation, we realized that this was not the case. As the weather grew colder and the light began to fade, the mother of the kittens had still not arrived at the lo