I Paid 2000 For 3 DRUM LEGENDS To Record The Same Song, Then This Happened
I Paid 2000 For Pro Drummers To Create An EPIC Drum Part For My Song Subscribe or I ll steal your cymbals: Time to learn some drums My name s Stephen Taylor and as a drummer and drum teacher, some of my most valuable feedback and lessons learned have come from evaluating my drumming in a recorded setting, looking at what other session drummers do, getting feedback from other musicians, and being willing to improve my playing based upon that feedback. So I started a sort of reaction mashup experiment series. In a video a few months ago, I created a Fiverr gig and paid multiple pro drummers to record the same song. In the next video in this series, I hired 3 drumming LEGENDS in the Nashville recording industry and had them record their own version of the same song. In THIS video, I hired 3 pro drummers from different states here in the U. S. and had them create an EPIC part for my song. This video took A LOT of work but was MASSIVELY fun to produce. Part 1: I Paid Pro Drummers T