Attempt On The Presidents Life (1950)
Attempt on the President s Life. Puerto Rico, West Indies Riots. L, S General View Crowds and police milling around Puerto Rican Street. M, S Body lying on ground guarded by armed soldiers. C, U People examining body on ground, armed policeman in foreground. M, S Pan body being carried away on stretcher. M, S Soldier Policemen on corner pan to crowd. M, S Police advancing onto crowd. M, S Bodies around cars parked nearby, with people inspecting for gunfire. C, U Bullet holes in windscreen of car. M, S Crowd milling around car. L, S Dead body lying on grass. M, S People around body laying in front of building. L, S Body laying outside American Embassy pan up. Similar shots. Various shots of Police and crowds of people standing around outside Blair House after attempted assassination. C, U of President s doctor General Grahame driving away from scene. M, S of Morgue wagon driving away. M, S of workmen with hose and broom clearing hose from pavement. Shots of Federal agents escorting Mrs Callazo (wife of gunm