Inside the Episode: Mort Dinner Rick Andre, Rick and Morty, adult swim
Is there a giant time bird at the end of existence Writer Jeff Loveness, cocreator Dan Harmon, showrunner Scott Marder and director Jacob Hair dive into the season 5 premiere to discuss this and many more of life s big questions. Rick and Morty continues Sundays at 11pm on Adult Swim. , AdultSwim, RickAndMorty SUBSCRIBE: What to watch next: more Rick and Morty clips Find Rick and Morty on Adult Swim: Stream seasons 14 on HBO Max. About Adult Swim: Get your Adult Swim fix whenever and wherever you want at or by downloading the Adult Swim app. Binge marathons or watch selected episodes of many of your favorite shows including Rick and Morty, Robot Chicken, Venture Bros. , Aqua Teen Hunger Force and many more. Watch Adult Swim in your country: Canada: United Kingdom: Republic of Ireland: h