Painting Tutorial: How to Paint Realistic Water in Oils
This painting tutorial shows how to paint realistic water in oils, a subtle balance of colors, values and edges. Please note: any paintings created using my tutorials are not viable to sell. This is a copyright issue. The original painting Emerald Wave measures 36x24 inches and is available for sale on my website Here I offer an insight into my technique and hope that all my artistfriends will find it useful or at least entertaining. You re most welcome to try out some techniques I taught myself over the years. I used the following colors to create this ocean wave painting: Burnt Sienna, Alizarin Crimson, Indian Yellow, Viridian (Green), Ultramarine blue and Payne s Gray (and of course Titanium White). I also used Liquin as a medium. I really love and recommend brushes from my favorite supplier : several sizes filbert brushes from Aspen series, ,6 Catalyst angle bright and 2 wide angle brush from Aspen series. This painting was painted in one sitting, wet on wet