20 Minutes of Elden Ring, Liurnia of the Lakes Gameplay
Elden Ring is coming in just a couple short days Until then, we have more Elden Ring gameplay to satiate your appetite. In this dose of Elden Ring Footage, Dave brings you Liurnia of the Lake exploration, the Academy Gate Town, a couple dungeons, a brief look at the Academy of Raya Lucaria, a glimpse of Caria Manor, and a few bosses: Crystalian, Cleanrot Knight, and the Glintstone Dragon Smarag. Be warned, spoilers abound. Elden Ring is an action roleplaying game played in a thirdperson and features elements similar to those of Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The gameplay in Elden Ring focuses on combat and exploration in a new open world setting. Elden Ring releases on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, S on February 25, 2022. , EldenRing