Wedding of Harry Roy and Princess of Sarawak (1935)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Huge crowd and band celebrating the marriage of Harry Roy (dance band leader) and Elizabeth Brooke (Princess Pearl of Sarawak) Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Tiger Rag Wedding Harry Roy in Harmony with Princess Pearl ENGLAND: London: Westminster: St. James s Park: Caxton Hall: EXT BROOKE, Miss (Princess Sarawak) Married to Harry Roy See Roy Harry ROY, Harry Marries Princess Sarawak (Miss Brooke) at Caxton Hall. Rites of Passage; Royalty marriage, celebrities, celebrity weddings, bride, groom, celebration, celebrations, wed, weds, Harry Lipman, dance, band, leader, H. H. Dayang Elizabeth of Sarawak, Charles Vyner Brooke, Vyner, The Rajah of Sarawak, Background: Huge crowd and band celebrating the marriage of Harry Roy (dance band leader) and Elizabeth Brooke (Princess Pearl of Sarawak) FILM ID: VLVA5NIRZJVNMVA7NT74