Russian Trade 24 Live Another Day Final Scene
Here are Jack Bauer s final moments, in 24 Live Another Day. Sets up a strange story line giving the possibility of we might get to see Bauer again perhaps in Legacy. The writers couldn t bring themselves to kill off Jack Bauer, resulting in this conflicted ending for LAD. Here Chloe Jack are trading their places with the Russians. In the same episode as Audrey s death. From seeing the promos for this episode and seeing the casket. I was certain it would be Jack with the death ending. Given the time jump. But the UK promo was released which stumped me as it showed a second from this scene with Jack and Chloe meeting, in daylight. So if the time jump occurred and he was still alive it twisted my mind for this. Chloe receives a piece of paper off Jack, presumably with a note on it. Which she takes back and is an excellent set up for the future of 24. Always great to see Belcheck as well. Best Quotes If anything happens to her, or my family. Your entire world will come apart We just want you Mr Bauer