Stephen Stapleton Tony Wakeford Our Lady of the White Flowers
Revenge of the Selfish Shellfish (1992) Originally released by Tursa (UK) in 1992, Revenge of the Selfish Shellfish was the first, fulllength collaboration between Steven Stapleton and Tony Wakeford. Consisting of an eerie, yet beautiful, combination of songs and surreal locales, Shellfish remains a unique landmark with qualities not easily found in either Nurse With Wound or Sol Invictus discography. Evoking a strong sense of narrative, such as Wakeford s vocals on Lucifer Before Sunrise and the perpetual, tapemusic panorama of Stapleton s The Frightened City, the listener is transported to ominous and quite unexpected destinations. Accordingly, these compositions often blur the line between distant dreams and foreboding reality.