Half Japanese, Turkish siblings taste yummy Japanese snacks , sakuraco
, sakuraco Get Sakuraco Boxes : Who am I I m a firstyear med student in Turkey. I m taking a break from med school because of some personal and private reasons. I can not explain it yet but I will hopefully in the future. If you are interested in which ethnicity do I have, I m mixed. (JapaneseTurkish) I was born in Japan but I grew up in Turkey. (But I visit Japan every single year) Both of these languages are my mother language. Im polyglot and I can speak 4 languages fluently which are Japanese, Turkish, German, and English. If you dont think that Im a polyglot check Cambridge or Oxford Dictionary. Poly means multiple and glot mean tongue so yes I am :) I will be planning to upload lots of productivityrelated videos, so stay tuned if you like those types of videos. If you have any questions, comment down below. Love you, Xoxo Instagram : Ruri(ruriohama) Instagram Twitter: ohamaruri