King Rantideva: Learn English( IND) with subtitles Story for Children and Adults
This story is an offering for the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo King Rantideva a story about Giving, adapted from Tales of All Times by The Mother RANTIDEVA, who was a king, became a hermit in the forest. He had given his wealth to the poor and lived a simple life in the solitude of the jungle. He and his family had only the bare necessities of life. They had discovered the joys of living simply. One day, after a fast of fortyeight hours, a light meal of rice with milk and sugar was prepared for him. A poor Brahmin came up to the door of the hut and asked for food. Rantideva gave him half of his rice. Then came a Sudra begging for help and Rantideva gave him half of what remained. Then he heard a dog barking; the poor beast seemed to be starving. Rantideva gave him what was left Last of all came an outcaste who stopped at the hermit s door and asked for help. Rantideva gave h