Tomb Raider LB Advent Calendar 2020 Marooned : Intro Coastal Bluffs Walkthrough
TRLE LB Advent Calendar 2020 Marooned : Intro Coastal Bluffs Walkthrough Level By : TombraiderXii Story : This is a 2015 scrapped intro level from an unfinished WIP game Marooned that I worked on back in 20152017. This level acted as a teaser of sorts before starting the main game, which was going to be a hubbased tropical island with temple ruins, villages, and a day, night progression system with new moves. This level was built in NGLE back in 2015 and I hit the box limit and had to compromise gameplay and cut many ideas short for this particular level. As a result, this is an intro level that shows Lara making her way along the coastal bluffs into the tropical island while getting used to her new wall jumping moves. Well I am not sure if that is supposed to fall into LB advent calendar category. And Not sure whether we will see the full version. But the island design is very gorgeous. And the ambient music gives player a very relaxing vibe. Short bu